3 is The Magic Number – PracticeTip

I sent out a practice tips to students and parents a few weeks ago highlighting some of my favourite practice tips. Lo and behold, not even a week later and I realized that I had forgotten to include my MOST important practice tip.  !!! I love it so much, it even has it’s own built incatch-phrase; “3 is the Magic Number”.


If you’d like a more thorough explanation of why this rule is cool, see below.  Or just try it out! Whatever you chose to practice, do it 3 times in a row. Done! You are on your way to musical awesomeness. You are welcome. 😀



Practicing must, by definition, include repetition; you can Google it. As either a noun or verb, practicing involves habit, regularity and repetition. It isn’t surprising that students will tend to make the same mistakes repeatedly. This can be fixed with focused isolation of difficult sections. This seems obvious, but when you are faced with a challenge that initially seems insurmountable, it’s helpful to just break things down and take some baby steps. Just do it 3 times in a row, each time you practice, and it will start to get better. Go to the harder parts first, spend more time there by taking it slower. Get comfortable with the harder spots, even modify them if necessary. In the end, the only thing that matters is that the player of the instrument is receiving joy from that action, and we can all tell that the best thing is to be an AWESOME musician and create a reaction from an audience.


So try incorporating the Magic Number 3 into practice sessions; it is magical what practicing does! A fine component of art; the magic of practicing. An auditory alchemy, blending of the physical body with the intangible and soul that beats uniquely in the hearts of humankind.

End of Year Update

We have had one more exam result come in; an 85% on a Grade 1 exam. This is an excellent mark that is above the national average. The comments from the examiner praised the students style and artistry as well as her fine technical skill. Once again I am so proud of this student’s ability to go in and bravely seize the moment with her musicality and composure.


We finished of the year with another fun recital. Once again we had singing, dancing, and even a special guest who played some vintage Ragtime for us in the form of the Carolina Shout. Some courageous volunteers kicked off the party by learning and demonstrating how to do the waltz, which is a dance/rhythm we study frequently when learning the piano. Again we asked for a small donation of $5 per non performer, and we raised $130.00 for the Land o Lakes Rescue and Petting Farm in Cloyne Ontario! They thanked us with this message:


“Thank you Lauren and all her students & parents for donating to Land O’Lakes Rescue Farm. We have used your money yesterday to purchase hay. You have made a difference and we wanted you to know how much we appreciate your contributions. Thank you so much from the bottom of our hearts. Barry and Donna with our Children and these Wonderful Animals.”


Hope everyone is having a magical summer, and see you in September!


My Students ACE Their RCM Exams!!!

I am so very proud, pleased and excited to announce the results of my first crop of students doing their first Royal Conservatory piano exams; we have an 81%, and 88% and a 90%! Wow! That is 2 First Class Honours AND a First Class Honours with Distinction! Of course I am proud of the hard work that they put into their practicing to achieve those marks, but I am also so proud of the love and passion that they performed their pieces with. You do not get marks like that from technical ability alone; there was heart and soul in each of their performances, and that is where the true accomplishment lies. Way to go!!!


I am happy to share with you that I have received an 85% on my Grade 10 piano exam with the RCM! That counts as First Class Honours, which I have also received for all of my practical exams, both voice and piano. I am now officially working on my ARCT (Associate of The Royal Conservatory) in Piano Pedagogy so that I can be a more effective teacher to my students.


In case you are new to my story, I will fill you in. I did my Grade 9 piano exam back in 1998 when I was 17, achieving 84%. So, just a little time gap between exams! In my 20’s I studied recording and engineering at the Harris Institute for the Arts with the goal to become an original artist. I wrote, recorded and performed my own music until I decided I wanted to study pop music by playing in a Motown/Funk/RnB/Disco dance band. Our band Gooding Jones and the Overtones played almost every weekend for 3 years! This was great practical experience that taught me what elements go into a great song, and what gets a crowd going. I then got  into full  time music teaching, and decided that since I loved teaching so much, I would like to go back to the Conservatory to complete my ARCT in piano, and eventually also in voice.


Yay for learning!